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Parkwood (Durham, NC) (and surrounding communities) services

Below are services I provide to Parkwood and surrounding coummunities.  This is perfect for households that just need small things done.  I am able to provide this because I live in Parkwood and it is convenient for me to do.


I am perfect for the below services because I am near to you and can earn your trust.  Here are some details to help you feel at ease:

  • Public school teacher for 30+ years and still at it and each year we have to pass a background test

  • I communicate with clients via text when performing a job and also provide pictures if needed

  • Cameras outside of house or inside are always welcome to ensure job is performed to your standard


Below are the services I provide to local residents:

1) Run a mile with your dog.  I run a mile every day and love to have canine companions.  I would drive to your house take your fur baby on a run. 

Cost = $25







2) Check on your house when out of town.  Includes looking in on it, watering plants, making sure the stove is not on, etc 

Cost = $25 (30 min max)




3) Check in on your aging parent(s).   Add ons would be hanging up a picture, moving something, taking something to the dump, etc

Cost= depends on what needs to be done


4) Various house jobs.  These would be small task or fixes that would be too small for a company to do, due to low cost and travel time.  

This would range from chaning a hard to reach light bulb to moving something (or help move) to painting a small place or fixing a small hole

Cost = $25 for 30 min, then $20 every 30 min past this (of its just one task I can give a price)


5) Trash can cleaning - $25 for the first can and $15 for each additional can



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